Friday, September 4, 2009

The power of The Game

Traveling from CNY to the southern coast of New Brunswick this past summer taught me something very important about the power of social networking. It can all be summed up in four little words, "You've lost The Game."
Those of you who know about The Game are most likely cursing me right now, much in the same way I was cursing the spread of said game. Try traveling for 10 days with two nine year olds, a fifteen and a seventeen year old and hearing "I lost The Game " followed by groans and moans and "Oh Man, not again!" time after time after time . The wide spread knowledge of The Game became clear to me when in a crowded market one of my girls shouted, "I lost The Game." a dozen voices spread out over an area half the size of a football field were heard exclaiming, "Nooooo!" and "I'm not listening, lalalala." and one poor soul who yelled back, "Oh that just sucks, I haven't thought about The Game in a week."
There are several speculations about how the game got started. There are web sites, blogs, wikis, t-shirts, people texting and emailing each other with messages of You lost The Game. It has spread around the globe like a worm, and there doesn't appear to be a fix for it.
Apparently The Game has been around for years. Add in social networks and you have a world wide phenomenon that is played by every age group, without actually playing anything. ilostthegame is a good site to visit if you want to learn more about the game, what it is and how you play. Lose the Game is another good site for The Game info.
If you have heard your children exclaiming anything about The Game you should check it out. Then the next time you hear, "You lost The Game." You'll know what the heck they are talking about. Of course at that instance, you too will lose The Game.

1 comment:

  1. The game is so annoying! You can never stop playing. Even if you say "I'm not playing" you still technically are since you are playing it by simply thinking about it.
